Torah Portion Journal: Shoftim-Vayeilech

Have you enjoyed spending time reading the Torah portions with your children? I know I certainly have. There were a few portions that we skipped during the summer and at other times when my printer ran out of ink. lol. But for the most part, I am so proud of myself and our children for almost completing an entire Torah Cycle. Baruch Hashem!
I think we should all award our children a certificate of completion at the end of the Torah cycle. What do you think?! Let's make Simchat Torah special for them and award them with a certificate signed by you mama and let's reward their hard work with some of their favorite treats. 😃
Look out for that certificate in your next email 🍁🍂
What's New This Month?
- First fruits basket
- Maze
- More coloring pages
Do you have a suggestion to add? I'd love to hear about it in the comments.
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This is a homeschool digital download to be printed at home. Suitable for primary grades and inspired by a classical homeschool curriculum. All lessons based on the TLV or ESV bible version
- Summary, copybook and activity pages for each of the following Torah portions
- Shoftim
- Ki Titzei
- Ki Tavo
- Netzavim-Vayeilech
- Wilderness Roadmap
4 PDF files (8.5X11)