Torah Portion Journal: Matot-Re'eh

Torah portion Re'eh is probably one of my favorite portions (see why below 😉 ). It draws from symbols and themes from the entire Torah and especially from the two trees in the garden of Eden. Even though the book of Deuteronomy can get so deep in meaning and symbolism, It is important to stick to the simplicity of the surface meaning of the scriptures when we teach this book to our children.
They should be able to understand the this book is primarily a summary of everything we have learned so far in the Torah. Moses is giving his last great "sermon" to the Israelites before they cross over the Jordan. And so he is highlighting the most important events and themes learned along the way.
A we approach the end of the 5th book in the Torah, we like Moses can help our children understand that there are natural consequences to all of our actions and decisions made in this life. Since the Garden of Eden, humanity was presented with a choice between eternal life or death. This same choice is presented in the book of Deuteronomy in the form of blessings and curses.
Finally Jesus himself reminded us of this very choice in John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
What's New this Month?
- The Shema craft
- Sequencing
- Reflective writting
Do you have a suggestion to add? I'd love to hear about it in the comments.
This is a homeschool digital download to be printed at home. Suitable for primary grades and inspired by a classical homeschool curriculum. All lessons based on the TLV or ESV bible version
- Summary, copybook and activity pages for each of the following Torah portions
- Matot-Masei
- Devarim
- Va'etchanan
- Eikev
- Re'eh
- Wilderness Roadmap
4 PDF files (8.5X11)