Shavuot Copybook Lesson

Shavuot is the last spring biblical holiday celebrated 50 days after the day of First Fruits.
Shavuot is a time to celebrate the fulfillment of the promise of the Holy Spirit and the new covenant in Yeshua (Jesus) as our Messiah. It is also an opportunity to reflect on the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai and its significance in light of the teachings and life of Yeshua. Shavuot is also seen as a time to celebrate the harvest, which is symbolic of the harvest of souls that the Messiah will bring at the end of the age.
Suggested Instructions for Copybook Lessons:
1. Read the outline and summary together
2. Recite the verse out loud and have your child join you
3. Trace and copy the verse on the copybook sheet
4. Draw a picture of the verse
This is a homeschool digital download to be printed at home. Suitable for primary grades and inspired by a classical homeschool curriculum. All lessons based on the TLV or ESV bible version
1-Shavuot Outline
1-Shavuot Children's Story
1-Shavuot JrK Vocab
1-Shavuot Copybook lesson
1-Torah scroll
PDF (8.5X11)