Dear Loss Mama | My open letter at Scottsdale Mom's Blog

I'm pretty excited to announce that I am one of the new SMB contributors for 2016. This isn't really an accomplishment, simply a way for me to reach a lot more mamas out there who need to hear (read) the healing words and wisdom that I want to share with them. I had initial reservations about the time commitment involved in being a contributor, but it turns out its pretty negligible and mostly a lot of girl fun. Another worry I had was not being able to participate in their facebook contributor group. Luckily everything worked out and our leader has been so good at communicating with me outside of the group #facebookquitterproblems. Below is an excerpt of my open letter contribution post at SMB. Please read and share!
Dear Loss Mama Who Was Denied Maternity Leave
Almost a month after my sweet baby was born sleeping, I was encouraged to join a baby loss support group. At this session we met a mom nurse who lost her precious twin boys at the very hospital where she worked at. One of her babies was stillborn and the other sweet boy passed away a few days later. She then went on to recount how her employer, a local hospital, had denied her paid maternity leave due to certain constraints in the FMLA. This is an open letter to you sweet mama and all other mamas who have been in your painful shoes. (Continue Reading)
Thank you reading and for choosing to heal! This is me choosing hope and healing.