The Torah Portion Journal Bundle! (Year 5785)

Welcome to our Messianic Torah Portion Children's Journal for the year 5785! We are so glad you’ve joined us on this journey through the Torah, with Yeshua at the heart of each week’s exploration. This journal is crafted to help children engage with the weekly Torah portions in a meaningful, hands-on way.
Throughout the journal, you'll find a variety of activities designed to enrich learning and make the Torah come alive.
These include:
- Summaries of each Torah portion to introduce key themes.
- Handwriting and language arts activities for practicing letters and words.
- Interactive tasks like cutting and pasting, maps, or tracing, to keep things fun and engaging.
- Math challenges that tie into the weekly reading.
- Gospel connections to highlight Yeshua's presence in the text.
- Note taking pages for parents and older children to review and reflect on the passages.
- Coloring pages for creative expression.
Each week's activities are different, giving kids a fresh experience while they explore the richness of the Torah. Use the journal as a weekly guide to dive into God’s Word, grow in faith, and enjoy learning together as a family.
With Love!
Lyndsie & Lizette ✍🏽
This is a homeschool digital download to be printed at home. Suitable for primary grades and inspired by a classical homeschool curriculum. All lessons based on the TLV or ESV bible version