Part Three: Babylon The Great, Anti-Messiah & The Future

This entire course has been building up to part 3! What will the religion of the future look like? Does the Bible give us historical and prophetic clues? How can we know ahead of time what Anti-Mashiach will be teaching in the Last Days?
The answer is Yes! We are given very important clues in the scriptures on all of these topics. I will walk you through abundant historical examples of Gnosticism gone very wrong and violent. I will also guide you point by point on Babylon the Great, Anti-Messiah and the syncretist Religion of the future.
I am sharing my course on Gnosticism entirely for FREE. My aim is to equip you for the spirituality of the future and to help you discern biblical truth from fiction. The information in this video course may challenge some deep seated traditions and doctrines you may have grown up with in Sunday school. Take your time watching these videos. Pray about the information and test it to the scriptures. Allow the Holy Spirit to help digest everything in His time.
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