Mighty Little One | NICU Prayer Journal

Mighty Little One | NICU Prayer Journal

Oh my! This is the journal I wish I had in my posession during Eliaz's very long NICU stay. Instead I had just a regular notebook and pen where I would daily write my hospital notes and my very special prayers for our micropreemie rainbow. Daily, I would sit in the recliner next to his isolette and jot down my prayers for our sweet baby who was born at 25 weeks and weighed only 1lb 4oz.

Now the exact book I wish I had is available on Amazon + Etsy for all NICU mamas and dadas out there navigating this uncertain time of life.

Mighty Little One: Nicu Journal

Available on Amazon

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Why Prayer?

Prayer works. Period. My journey through baby loss, ttc, PTSD and our micropreemie rainbow is evidence of that.

  • If I diddn't have prayer and God's word for encouragenemt after finding out that our baby embryo had a 20-50% chance of miscarriage due to complications, I would have lost all hope for our rainbow.
  • It was prayer that helped me stay positive during my first trimester bed rest.
  • It was prayer and the inspiration in God's word that helped me continue my daily self administered heparin shots on my preganant belly (ouch!).
  • It was prayer that helped me stay calm for baby, when my maternal fetal specialist informed us I had to go on 24hr care and hospital bedrest at 25 weeks.
  • It was prayer that kept my hopes up when both of my doctors told me that baby had less than a 50% chance at survival if he was born before 28 weeks and less than 25% percent chance for being a male (girls do better in the NICU).
  • It was prayer that helped keep my PTSD at bay during my emergency c-section at 25 weeks, where I was told that my rainbow baby may not be born breathing.
  • Prayers, love and daily gratitude is what encouraged our tiny micropreemie to grow from 1lb 4oz to the toddler he is today, without major surgeries, without retinopathy of prematurity, without a single developmetal delay, without any brain bleeds or morbiidties.

The Book

Mighty Little One is a daily prayer and gratititude journal for NICU parents of preemie babies. The book includes space for daily hospital notes, prayers for preemie and gratefulness to help parents document every tiny moment throughout their baby's NICU journey. It contains hand selected bible verses that will inspire courage and hope to preemie parents through the hardest days of the NICU

The book includes:

  • Seven weeks of journaling
  • Hand selected bible verses
  • Daily weight
  • Daily cares + holding
  • Daily gratitude
  • Prayers for preemie
  • Notes + thoughts
  • NICU milestones page
  • Blank pages for photos

With Love from me ♡


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