Bereaved Mother's Day πŸ’

Before I ever published any Jesus books, I published a book to help mother's grieve the loss of a baby. I sent my book proposal to several different baby journal publishers and I remember vividly their response going something like:

Your book idea sounds noble and beautiful, but it doesn't quite align with the typical audience we usually publish for.

What that message spoke loud and clear to me was that grieving mothers weren't worth their time and effort. There wasn't a big market for a baby loss journal. Who would want to buy such a sad and gloomy book? Who would spend their money on a book for a grieving mother?

I didn't let that stop me from publishing my baby loss journal. I didn't take 'No' for an answer because I knew there was huge market for mothers with empty arms. I knew they were hurting like I was and I wanted to help in any way that I could. In fact, 1 in 4 mothers has experienced a pregnancy loss. "On average,Β 21,745 babies are born still every yearΒ in the U.S. This is the equivalent of a school bus full of children every day." (Stillbirth in the US)

That's a lot of bereaved mothers with broken hearts and shattered dreams

Since self publishing my baby loss journal on amazon thousands of women have found healing through it. This bereaved mother's day, it fills my heart with joy to see so many women acknowledging their loss, allowing themselves to grieve and heal from the heartbreak of losing a precious life.

Words of Kindness from Bereaved Mothers...

May we all heal this mothers day! πŸ€πŸ’

Don't have money to purchase the journal? Download my free printable version here