Free Baby Loss Journal | Healing one broken heart at a time

This printable journal is meant to help baby loss mothers connect with their baby in a manner that will also help heal and inspire her grieving heart.

The book contains phrases and prompts that highlight the baby’s imprint in the mother’s life and provides uplifting quotes from the baby loss community. It allows the mother to commemorate and honor the brief life of her baby in a meaningful way just as any mother of a newborn child would want. It is my hope that this journal fills in the gap between pregnancy and baby journals since not all pregnancies end in life. Read more about my personal healing journey after baby loss.

After having the most blissful pregnancy with my firstborn, I decided one more wouldn’t hurt.

My second pregnancy was the complete opposite and I experienced all the woes of pregnancy from morning sickness to sleepless nights and finally fetal demise. My sweet Julian’s heart stopped beating in utero at thirty-one weeks and nobody saw it coming because I was young, fit and healthy with a prior unremarkable yet successful pregnancy. I delivered my sleeping baby with all the pains associated with labor and much more.

While surviving the worst pain in my life and struggling through

paralyzing grief, I began to write letters to my baby on my iPhone.
I realized this helped tremendously and soon learned through online community support that many other mothers who experienced baby loss through miscarriage or stillbirth, also found healing in journaling. As I walked the baby isles at the bookstores, there were no journals dedicated to baby loss and nothing to honor their brief lives among the rows of pregnancy and baby memory books. If there were any books on the subject, they were in the bereavement section with sad and gloomy colors.

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