God Knows + Feels Our Pain

The paragraph quoted below is from lifestreams media:

I remember the pain I felt after my divorce. It seemed that no one could understand my sense of loss, a feeling of living death. One night, I cried out to God for more than a hour, face down on my floor at home. Suddenly, I sensed a presence in the room. But it wasn’t just a presence; it was a holy Person. My heart began pounding, and I could barely breath as I felt the awesome arrival, an awareness of One who did understand my pain. I will never forget that holy hug from the Holy Spirit that night. It lasted for less than a minute, and He didn’t give me any answers to my questions. In that moment I realized that all I really needed to know was that God was with me. And because of that fact alone, I knew that everything would work out fine…better than fine. Now I knew my pain couldn’t kill me. It was now only a ‘shadow’ of death because of the One who met me there in that painful place. -Lifestreams media