New Dawn: Messiah's Kingdom Eclipsed by a New Dawn of Human Evolution

Messiah's Kingdom Eclipsed

This post has been sitting in my drafts for months. I often reflect on my posts until I feel led to share them. At first, this topic seemed far-fetched and irrelevant. But after encountering countless influencers on social media spreading misinformed "kingdom Now" theologies and more recently Sam Altman’s latest blog on the countdown to Advanced General Intelligence (AGI), I realized this is more timely than ever.

A New Age Dawning?

We keep hearing that we’re on the brink of a New Age. Has AI launched us into a New Dawn of human evolution and potential? Let's go back to Twilight—yes, the book series—and see how its narrative parallels dangerous eschatologies that distort the coming Kingdom of God. Many believe we are already living in the Kingdom Age or that the resurrection of the dead has already happened. But is this the case?

I’ll explain how these theological missteps could eclipse the Messiah altogether, opening the door to movements like false Anti-messiah's and the pursuit of a "New Dawn" in human evolution. Read on to see why...