A Mom's Guide to Puerto Peñasco, Mexico

This Labor Day weekend our family took a nice little vacation to the warm beaches of Puerto Peñasco, Mexico. On the ride over we witnessed a beautiful sunset over the Sonoran Desert. As we arrived to meet the rest of our family in Las Conchas, we were greeted by a night time sea breeze under a beautiful starry sky that boasted an unobstructed view of the milky way. OH how I wish we could've have stayed indefinitely! Here's a guide on how to make the most of your next family-friendly Puerto Peñasco trip.

Prepare for a Foreign Country

Sometimes we forget Mexico is a foreign country. Maybe you don't but myself, having visited and basically lived there for a few summers, I do forget. Plan ahead and visit your county office to get all the details about what your child needs for travel outside of the US. If you travel by land like we did, call your car insurance provider and ask about coverage in Mexico. Consider also if you are willing to drive in a foreign country where driving norms could be significantly different then that of our own country. This part of Mexico accepts both American dollars or pesos so its up to you on what currency you choose. Carry a decent amount of pocket money with you as there are vendors every where you go and most places take cash only. Talk to your mobile provider to see about your plan coverage in Mexico. Learn Spanish! Or at least know basic travel Spanish if you can.

Where We Stayed

Since our plan was to relax and enjoy family time on the beach, we ended up choosing a vacation rental. With this option we could enjoy a semi private beach, away from the tourist crowds and loud partying (hopefully, you never know). Our family which included my brother and his wife, my sister's family of four, our family of three and my mom all stayed together in a four bedroom beach house. The community of private vacation rentals was called Las Conchas and it was a quiet gated community away from the Zona Hotelera. This choice was much cheaper than the resorts and also a bit more relaxing. We brought our own sheets, towels and food. Everything else was provided. The patio had a great view of the ocean and the beach was a three minute drive away.

What We Ate

Where to begin? We had so many tasty meals on our trip. During the day, we spent the majority of the time at the beach. We packed some light snacks and drinks, however there were plenty of snacks and drinks to buy on site. Piña coladas, piña loca, coco colado, mango con chile, complete YUMMNESS for the entire family. This is why you need pocket money on the beach! For dinner we ate delicious fish and fajitas at Lolitas one night. We also dined at one of the many local taco joints for a more relaxed vibe. iPhone Maps works pretty well in this area which made it pretty easy to find places to eat or to buy some groceries.

Be Patient

Ok let's be real, so not everything went as planned. V ended up being frightfully afraid of the ocean waves and didn't want to be in the water. Also, V and his 'best cousin' Kaleb didn't quite let each other take any naps (or anyone else for that matter) after the beach. We had at least one tantrum to extinguish basically everyday. As V would say,

That's OK mama.

Brush it off, soak in the little moments, improvise on the spot and flow with it. That is the way of the stoic mama. Buen Viaje!

What's your most memorable family vacation spot? Checkout my Adventure tab for more travel tips and guides. Linked up at Wanderful Wednesday.